New mobile number.
Today I finally went aaall the way to the closest supermarket (which was almost 100 steps away, my oh my im teh fitness today!) and bought a new sim card. So now I have a new number, an english one, yay me!
You want it, now don't ya? We'll, I can't just post it, you gotta work a little for it *evil grin*, so here goes:
It starts with the landcode (oh no duh!) which is 44, so if you're calling from Sweden it's 0044.
It continues with the four digit number *1337 theme :D* that is "(13 * 37 * 13) + 1337 + (13 * 13) - 2".
Okay, still a sixnumber-digit to go! I'm gonna divide it into a 5-digit number and a 1-digit number.
The 5-digit *"meaning of life" theme :]* one is "(42*42*42/2) + (42*42*4*2) + (42*42*2) + (42*42/2) - (42*2) + 3"
Now why did I save the last number? We'll, I don't want every person accidently stumbling onto this blog - thinking he's a math expert while using the windows calculator - end up sending me creepy messages all through the night.
So the last number iiiis... *dumdadadum*, my old mobile phone numbers last number, -1. Example: If it was 2 it is now 1.
Alrighty, so the number is something like this then:
(0044) (0) **** ***** *
There we go! No i'm not bored, shut up >:(.
Yep, I guess that's it, Zmilky over and out.
Oh yeah, heres a small FAQ:
"Hey dude, have you gotten a job yet?"
"How's it going with that apartment?"
"I'm kind of... Still stuck at the Generator."
"Gotten that sickness insurance card yet?"
"So have you succeeded with anything really, I mean - you've been in London for a week.."
"I have succeeded in getting more sick, and spending about 4 times my calculated budget, keke.."
You want it, now don't ya? We'll, I can't just post it, you gotta work a little for it *evil grin*, so here goes:
It starts with the landcode (oh no duh!) which is 44, so if you're calling from Sweden it's 0044.
It continues with the four digit number *1337 theme :D* that is "(13 * 37 * 13) + 1337 + (13 * 13) - 2".
Okay, still a sixnumber-digit to go! I'm gonna divide it into a 5-digit number and a 1-digit number.
The 5-digit *"meaning of life" theme :]* one is "(42*42*42/2) + (42*42*4*2) + (42*42*2) + (42*42/2) - (42*2) + 3"
Now why did I save the last number? We'll, I don't want every person accidently stumbling onto this blog - thinking he's a math expert while using the windows calculator - end up sending me creepy messages all through the night.
So the last number iiiis... *dumdadadum*, my old mobile phone numbers last number, -1. Example: If it was 2 it is now 1.
Alrighty, so the number is something like this then:
(0044) (0) **** ***** *
There we go! No i'm not bored, shut up >:(.
Yep, I guess that's it, Zmilky over and out.
Oh yeah, heres a small FAQ:
"Hey dude, have you gotten a job yet?"
"How's it going with that apartment?"
"I'm kind of... Still stuck at the Generator."
"Gotten that sickness insurance card yet?"
"So have you succeeded with anything really, I mean - you've been in London for a week.."
"I have succeeded in getting more sick, and spending about 4 times my calculated budget, keke.."
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Anonymous, at 10/02/2006 10:31:00 PM
-Wärnis: RTFF N0B!!
Johannes the Zmilk, at 10/04/2006 12:48:00 AM
Anonymous, at 10/04/2006 10:36:00 AM
all questions anwsered. nothing else to add. you overwhelm me. though, pain in the ass to convert the number. works awesome as an attention stealer from my school work.
rock on, dude!
C, at 10/05/2006 03:39:00 PM
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