Bush is shot.
Bush is shot and killed. Yep, that's what the newspaper made me believe.. It was actually just ads for a new dramashow which story is based on "if president Bush got shot".. Though they put a big picture of him "grabbing his stomach" on the front of the paper and a big nice propaganda picture on the back, so hey, I did believe it for a full hour! You know so little about what's actually happening in the world when you're traveling and I havn't gotten settled yet, so in my eyes it was totally likely.. I even let it sink in "wow, that's.. weird..". Now I just feel retarded :P.
We'll, quite some stuff has happened since the last blogging. I had a job interview later that day, and it went well. Except for the fact that I was trying to walk there in 30 min and ended up walking there in an hour, due to really lousy mapreading skills. Because of this job I turned down the "Italian job". I had training for the interview job today, and I'll have one more training session tomorrow. If I get the job I will sign a contract tomorrow afternoon. The job is as a "sandwich maker" at a place called Fuzzy's grub. Web page: Fuzzysgrub.com.
Oh well, i'm not gonna keep boring you with all these things, but I can tell you that yesterday evening was quite a bitch. I had one "quite guaranteed job", two training sessions, and one more job interview coming up. Now i'm down to one training session and a job interview that i'm going to turn down. Yay me..!
PS! I only have 20 pounds left to live for this month, and I have household stuff left to buy! I'm the shit!

We'll, quite some stuff has happened since the last blogging. I had a job interview later that day, and it went well. Except for the fact that I was trying to walk there in 30 min and ended up walking there in an hour, due to really lousy mapreading skills. Because of this job I turned down the "Italian job". I had training for the interview job today, and I'll have one more training session tomorrow. If I get the job I will sign a contract tomorrow afternoon. The job is as a "sandwich maker" at a place called Fuzzy's grub. Web page: Fuzzysgrub.com.
Oh well, i'm not gonna keep boring you with all these things, but I can tell you that yesterday evening was quite a bitch. I had one "quite guaranteed job", two training sessions, and one more job interview coming up. Now i'm down to one training session and a job interview that i'm going to turn down. Yay me..!
PS! I only have 20 pounds left to live for this month, and I have household stuff left to buy! I'm the shit!

Henning holding the paper. First page showed. This took over the first page instead of the North Korean test bombings.. Made you believe it..
Second page - the so called assassination..
Hahaha, fan va kul! Jag hade också lätt gått på den! Ah va bäst! Man bör väl inte köpa inredning innan man har inkomst. Vänta med resten tills du vet att du har ett jobb.
Jonas, at 10/10/2006 08:05:00 PM
Illa att det inte blev subway - "Sausage, bacon and egg sandwich" låter inte extremt gott. :P
Berner, at 10/10/2006 10:56:00 PM
Jonas: "Don't spend money on household stuff until you got a real job?".. That's easier to say when you're not out of toilet paper...
Warnis: I guess you mean we look alike. Maybe so, havn't really thought about it.
Berner: I know, but it's like english style on all the food. I get free breakfast and lunch tho', so I better start appreciating the food :D
Johannes the Zmilk, at 10/13/2006 02:35:00 PM
haha, I like their first page priorities, they're almost as good as ours.. :)
Anonymous, at 10/13/2006 02:51:00 PM
Haha, just totally gotta agree with wärnis. And that's also the second time you fool me in this post. I just saw that George W. Bush being dead thing, and went all like, what the hell what did I miss. Anyway, congrats to the job situation, seems to resolve pretty nice, right?
C, at 10/15/2006 10:18:00 AM
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