A new haircut and a job.
Hey hey, I had my second day at work today! I'm working at Fuzzy's new restaurant at... Closest station is moorgate, keke? Yesterday the place had still not opened so we did the final cleaning up and moving in stuff, while carpenters were messing around and making the door dusty over and over again (and we cleaned it up over and over and..). So today was the first real day, today the restaurant launched! After 7,5h work with only a 10 minute break (and lunch not before these 7,5 hours had passed) I got quite exhausted, but it was still a quite easy day, I only handled around 30 customers. I think that later it might become up to 200-300, from what I've heard. We'll, at least it was a reaaal blast going up at 5:45am this morning, especially sleeping in the same room as Henning - that started work at 11am. He sure got a lot of sleep this morning.. :D
So the news that should actually be before this is the haircut.. I cut my hair this weekend and I didn't really feel like trusting the skills of cheap hairstylers, so I thought "hey i'll do it myself!".
Another great plan from the Zmilk. Henning started cutting it a little with scissors, then he wanted to go eat, so I finished the rest by myself - sitting in the bathtum. That includes the back of my head. Without a mirror there. I thought I could do it on feeling. Thought. Last time I trust my skills.. :P I managed to fuck it up a little in the back, and after he had stopped laughing Henning tried to fix it. He tried that with a shaving machine though... It got worse. Now I'm outta time here, but I think i'll post some pictures of the beautiful back of my head tomorrow.

The hair is also to short on the sides etc, etc... Oh well, gotta go now, byebye!
Yep yep, it is teh terrible.
So the news that should actually be before this is the haircut.. I cut my hair this weekend and I didn't really feel like trusting the skills of cheap hairstylers, so I thought "hey i'll do it myself!".

The hair is also to short on the sides etc, etc... Oh well, gotta go now, byebye!
Yep yep, it is teh terrible.
congrats to the new job, mate! I'm dying to see this famous haircut of yours - actually sounds like it rocks.
C, at 10/19/2006 04:04:00 PM
Hm, varför känner jag igen dendär situationen? :) Rakapparat och Johannes hår... hmm. Aja, hoppas de blev bra ;) Vad är det för slags restaurang?
Jonas, at 10/21/2006 10:08:00 AM
Christopher: Here it is matey :)
Warnis: Yours was nice though I think. And thanks for the compliment, I love ET <3.
Johannes the Zmilk, at 10/28/2006 06:22:00 PM
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