A week of work and the afterworker.
Ahh, so now I've finished my first week of work. It's been quite tough, but still a lot of fun. The amount of customers has increased by maybe 30% for each day that has passed, so the pace starts pumping fast. So off course this Friday had the biggest flow of customers so far, but luckily I got to do salads - which has less customers. Which was very nice since I ended up working 10 hours that day. When we finally locked up the store around 17:30 we decided to go out and take an afterworker. It was quite an afterworker. I got home around 2-3am :P.
I was all sweaty, my hair was a mess, and I only had a spare t-shirt with me, so I had the work-pants all night, yieeha. So I went around being the shabby stinkbomb, but hey, I did have a lot of fun :D.
Right now I'm sitting around wondering how the hell I've succeeded in wasting the whole pay I got this friday. Guess i'm in the deep shit again eh, yay me! Out of internet time now, but hopefully I'll get back with something interesting to say next time. Baibai <3.
I was all sweaty, my hair was a mess, and I only had a spare t-shirt with me, so I had the work-pants all night, yieeha. So I went around being the shabby stinkbomb, but hey, I did have a lot of fun :D.
Right now I'm sitting around wondering how the hell I've succeeded in wasting the whole pay I got this friday. Guess i'm in the deep shit again eh, yay me! Out of internet time now, but hopefully I'll get back with something interesting to say next time. Baibai <3.
Anonymous, at 10/22/2006 07:07:00 PM
fan va klockrent ;) hehe, jag undrar hur lång tid min första månadslön kommer räcka .. - man får väl se fom onsdag eller något ..
Berner, at 10/22/2006 10:58:00 PM
Huh, Internettid? Har ni inget konstant internet? Nice nice, men typ hur mycket tjänar du. Btw, tro det eller ej, jag kommer förmodligen lyckas med en wc3 map. Har hållt projektet igång i två veckor nu ;) En till grej som du kanske redan vet: Vi kommer till London den 8 nov (Johan och kanske någon mer kommer tidigare (de borde ha snackat med dig om de)) så de blir fett nice :p Hm, blev en lång kommentar.
Jonas, at 10/24/2006 09:59:00 PM
Berner: I got my pay this friday.. And I've actually survived so far on it, yaay me! ..oh, it's only one day actually. We'll, yay yay..!
Warnis: Nah, but I am gonna be evaluated this monday, so on tuesday I will be talking about a raise.
Jonas: Ffs, start speaking english in the comments :P I will not reply to thine weak swedish! *proud londonder*
Johannes the Zmilk, at 10/28/2006 06:25:00 PM
Actually sounds like a fun job, though a pain in the ass - but what's not. Anyway, in round figures, how much money do you make? I mean, do you make your living?
C, at 10/29/2006 11:27:00 AM
Oslo - 30 k sek /month...
After taxes etc etc...
Beat that!
Hope you having a great time in London, gtg!
// Tim
Anonymous, at 11/04/2006 10:36:00 PM
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