Zmilky goes London

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A working man.

Wow, I never find any time to blog nowadays, a day for me now is pretty much just "go up around 6am, go to work, go to gym after work, get home at 10 pm, eat a bunch of food, read a few pages in a book, go to sleep". And the weekends just fades away.. But life is good, I really enjoy actually earning my own living :). I havn't blogged in quite a while now, but we'll, to keep it short - a bunch of friends came over from Sweden after the last blog entry, that week was pretty much work and party/chill 24/7 aka no sleep. It almost felt like being home in Sweden again when they were over, so it felt quite weird when they were all going home. But then another week passed of gymming, working, reading, and the occasional beer here and there, and I got over it.

The last month I've had an extremely tight budget, always having just 5-10 punds for each week. This week I would have had 2 pounds to live on until friday, so I had gotten all into the "save your ass off" spirit. Then yesterday I realised that I had about 4 pounds of free calls on my swedish sim card, so I started searching for it. Along with the sim card I end up finding bloody 14 pounds that I had hid away before and forgotten about.. Guess if I were happy? :D

I went out, bought some beer to share with my roommate Henning. He has been sick and away from work for a month now and hasn't touched alcohol in during this whole time (he's still quite sick), but yeah. I'm a bad influence sometimes. We'll, after that I felt like calling home for my free 4 pounds.. and ended up calling up all the money on the sim card - about 14 pounds. But hey, it was not the 14 pounds I had in my hand, so I kept being cheerful :D

Now I have around 5 pounds left on that money, but on friday it's payday, so whoopiieee!! We will all go out partying straight after work (with the pay in our pockets), so the day will probably end up mooderately bad! :D

Other then that I've found an apartment for my last month here in London (1dec-18dec). It's in Marble Arch with some Swedes, it seems really cool so I think I will enjoy it. Oh yeah, I've booked my flight back to Sweden. The morning the 19th of december I go, so whoo whoo.

Lalablabla, what else do I want to say.. It's annoying not being able to blog when you want to, you end up forgetting the stuff you actually tell about, but one thing is that I'm getting even more scared off the kids here in London. 2 weeks ago when Johan was here and we went out in the morning I saw some kids standing not to straight next to a car and one kid seemed to be snorting something, using the car as a "table". And they were maybe about 13 years old.. That's one thing about London that is less fun.. A thing that is less fun to Henning but more fun to me (for now) is the stupid questions you can end up getting when you try to do something here in England and get stuck in the bureaucracy. Henning tried to get sickleave. Being a English citizen (english father, swedish mother) and also having proof from his GP that he was sick you might think it wouldn't be to hard. Guess again. I can't remember that many of the silly questions right now, but one was concerning if he "had escaped from a country to england because of a volcano eruption" and there was a bunch of questions about the "personal life of the person who is renting his apartment back in Sweden right now". Weird to the maximum.

We'll, that's all for today, as usual the images doesn't want to be uploaded, so they're coming later, but see you all, baibaii!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The luck of a Zmilk.

Hoy hoy hoy, here I am again, this time sitting at a internet café with my laptop. My birthday turned out quite.. I don't wanna say bad, 'cause negging down your birthday feels bad, so let's just say "unlucky". I got overcharged and scammed at a shitty café, the tube closed just when I was going home and I chased the bus home for about 600 meters running, before it finally stopped at a station. I go up to the front door and knock on it. The bus is still standing still, letting passengers off.. The bus driver turns his head towards me, and shakes it. He then closes the passenger doors and drives away. It was kind of like that my whole birthday actually, it felt like everything and everyone tried to fuck me over, but hey, i'm 19 now, so happy joy joy! :D

Well, here I am now, my friend Johan from Sweden is here visiting me and some more friends from Sweden are coming tonight. Yesterday me and Johan went out (i'm free from work today) and the night turned out quite fine. I succeeded in burning my arm quite badly on the radiator during the pre-party (will probably leave a scar), and dropping my mobile so it went to pieces in the middle of the club dancefloor. I did off course not find all the pieces so now my mobile has a "new slim look". I've also destroyed my mp3-player, but that was a few days ago.. Now me and Johan has to go, out of internet time.. And work tomorrow, ugha.. But enjoy my misery through pictures, keke baibai!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

It's ma birthday biaatch!

Yay, i'm 19. No cake, no presents. Feels weird somehow not just celebrating it at home with the family. But it's still quite nice, have gotten some free beer, donuts etc today instead, so I guess that works out :). Been down at Camden Market for a couple of hours now and I guess I'm going away now again. Camden sure is a quite weird, so far I've seen far to many of the 7-yearold gangsters walking around in big jackets with their kid-gangmates not to shock me. Oh well, wish me good luck surviving out there, baibai!

This is a suitable birthday present for a zmilk. Didn't get this though, had to buy it myself *:'(