Zmilky goes London

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Look right. Look left.

Okay, I really can't handle UK traffic... I seem to try to get myself killed each and every time I try to cross a street, because of the bloody left-hand traffic >:(. I keep looking the wrong way!! It's printed out on the street which way I should look, but I'm not clever enough to look at it and cross the street looking the wrong way, hear a horn and make a jump for it. Which ain't going to well, since my foot is a mess.

My toes are fracked up! Or at least one of them.. It started before I left Sweden and now I think it's infected as well.. Great, juuust great. I'm blaming everything on my foot right now "Nah, I didn't really search for any jobs today, I have trouble walking....". The great thing is that the euro-insurance card that is supposed to give me free healthcare here isn't in my possession. I didn't get it before I left Sweden, so now I'm sitting around waiting for my parents to send it to me. It's actually quite scary, not being able to go and cure a problem that seems to be growing for every day. It looks really nasty.. I hope I get to keep my toe, I like it. When it's not yucky that is.

Oh we'll, I actually succeeded in going out for a little while today, but I didn't try to get a job. I only went to buy some groceries. I'm trying to be econooomic when it comes to food. Off course I can't do shit right nowadays, so here I'm sitting with some heinz spaghetti (yay, I succeeded with something) and a cup of cream. Yes, I bought cream when I tried to buy a yoghurt. I also ruined my only piece of headphones today, they were brand new (quite cheap though) and I accidently ripped the cable, so now I have a piece of headphones and a piece of headphone cables, yay me.

Oh well, I'm gonna eat some of my fresh cream now, mmmmgood...

*Zmilky looking left*

Monday, September 25, 2006

Generator Hostel.

I arrived a couple of hours ago and off course my prejudice about London weather was answered right away. When I got off it rained. Not to bad at first, but after searching for the hostel for an hour I were soaked.

When I can to the hostel I paid a whole week in advance to save a lil cash. Then I directly bought time to use their WLAN for internet access with my laptop. Ahh, I can be nerdy even though I'm not at home, wonderful London. So here I am now, sitting around in front of my computer instead of socialising with people.. But hell, im tired, keke? :< Oh well, I don't have anything interesting to say actually, I just wanted to say "Hi, the Zmilk is in London". Hooray!

Yay London!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Leaving in 6 hours.

Alrighty, I feel alot better now.. I've got about 10 cups of tea in my system so i'm aaaalrightyoo! In six hours I will leave home and the flight is leaving in ten hours.. One might think I really should be done with packing my bags and such now, but heeell no, I'm a last-minute-man! I'm kinda starting right now.. Sleep is overrated..

At least I've done something productive today - I've booked 2 nights at the Generator Hostel in London. So when I get to London I can just walk over and pass out for 2 days - which is what I'll probably do - yay me!

So what am I doing now, when I actually should be really freaked out and stressed? I'm writing in my traveling blog. The blog about what hasn't even started. I'm a tard.



One day to takeoff.

We'll, this day has really sucked so far.. Said goodbye to my girlfriend this morning (we broke up)... That was tough. I don't know what more to say, im just shattered right now.

Sofia <3.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Oh golly.

Oh golly, here goes.. Johannes the Zmilk goes London this Monday. I've been unemployed for 3 months now, waiting for my army duty in april 2007. I figure I can't sit around on my ass and do nothing until then, so therefore I scheduled this little trip to London. I plan to go there for about 3 months - I hope to be home until Christmas so I can enjoy the holiday with the family (a.k.a. I wanna get presents <3).

So what am I gonna do in London? We'll, I really dunno, I just plan to go there and live, survive. Take some job at a cafeteria or something, trying out actually earning my housing and food for once :). Yep, that's as far as my plan reaches. Everyone keep asking me if I've gotten a place to stay, if I gotten a job etc etc, but that's kind of the point - I want to fix it all there, that's the challenge and the beauty. Oh well, lalablabla, I don't wanna make this blog some boring piece a crap, so for you who don't feel like reading everything written above here comes the short version:
"I am going to London this monday, and I'll probably end up a hobo there."

Oh yeah, better add a picture of myself so London residents know what to fear these upcoming months...
